Temple Touch Pro - The TTP™ System

Temple Touch Pro™ Now Available

Central Medical Supplies has been appointed the exclusive UK distributor for Temple Touch Pro™, a non-invasive core temperature monitoring system from thermometry specialist Medisim.

Efficacy Of External Warming To Reduce Hypothermia In Surgical Patients

Hypothermia in surgical patients can be the result of a long surgery duration, general anaesthesia and a low temperature in theatre. Hypothermia is a problem that should be prevented in surgical patients, due to the serious issues that it can cause.
The Benefits Of Cot-Nursing Compared To Incubator Care For Preterm Infants

The Benefits Of Cot-Nursing Compared To Incubator Care For Preterm Infants

The Cochrane report into cot-nursing versus incubator care for preterm infants concludes that cot-nursing using a heated mattress has similar effects to incubator care with regard to temperature control and weight gain.

The Importance Of Continuous Temperature Monitoring

The purpose of temperature monitoring is to detect thermal disturbances and maintain appropriate body temperature during anaesthesia. Hypothermia and hyperthermia, which both lead to poor patient outcomes, can only be detected if a patient’s temperature is being monitored.

Neonatal Resuscitation In All Birth Settings

The NICE guideline - Intrapartum care (NG235) - states that in all birth settings it must be ensured that there are facilities for resuscitation and for transferring the baby to another location if necessary.